每日一词 surffrage

2023/08/27 00:02

  【每日一词 suf​frage】suffrage- n. 选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票
1: a short intercessory prayer usually in a series
2: a vote given in deciding a controverted question or electing a person for an office or trust
3: the right of voting : FRANCHISE
also : the exercise of such right

  Synonyms & Antonyms
Synonyms~ ballot, enfranchisement, franchise, vote
Antonyms~ disenfranchisement
//women who fought for suffrage
//even as the world entered the 21st century, some nations still did not permit women's suffrage
Female Suffrage: 妇女选举权;
equal suffrage: 平等选举权
general suffrage: 普通选举权
Women's Suffrage: 妇女参政权;女子参政权
manhood suffrage: 成年男子选举权;男公民选举权;
universal suffrage: 普选权